Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year - Halo Chest Piece

First off I would like to wish everyone a happy new year.  I have been sick over the past few days, so I have not been working on my blog or any of my projects.  Hopefully I will start feeling better soon and get back to work. 

Halo 3 Assault Rifle
Good news, today I was able to pick up the base gun for my assault rifle project.  I would like to thank my buddy Wes for helping me get it!  I plan to start working on this project this week.  Not sure when I expect to finish this one, I have to order quite a bit of electronics off the internet to get it done.  Like I said last week, this gun hopefully have everything that it does in game, including: flashlight, heads-up display, working ammo counter, and all the cosmetics to make it look perfect.

My Halo armor is coming along quite well, I got a dremel for Christmas so I can sand off all the fiberglass bubbles.  The helmet is almost ready for bondo, just have to touch up a few things.  I currently have 5/15 pieces constructed and waiting to be fiber glassed.  

Halo Chest Piece - Pepakura File
The chest piece came together faster then I expected, I think it took me a total of 3 hours to completely cut it out and put it together.  All together it was about 34 sheets of paper to complete it.  It fits on pretty tight, I might end up having to cut it either in two pieces to be able to get in on when everything is all said and done, I will just have to wait and find out.  But anyways here are a few pictures of it, and one with me wearing the helmet and the chest piece.

Front View

Right Side Angled

Left Side Angled

Back Side

Me with Helmet and Chest Piece on

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