So the conversion from Xploderz to Nerf was overall fairly easy. I still have a few things I need to cleanup, but all and all I'm pretty impressed.
First off the tools required to do this mod are fairly simple:
- Xploderz Xground Pounder 2500
- 1/2 cpvc eblow 90 degrees
- 1/2 pvc tee
- 1/2 pvc elbow 45 degrees
- 1/2 pvc end cap/ball joint
- 1/2 cpvc pipe
- 1/2 pvc pipe sch 40
- Rubber bands
- Wood or Plastic (for trigger)
After unscrewing your blaster, there are a few parts you can throw away. Basically anything that is not the plunger system can be tossed out, I kept the little back attachment and the orange piece off the front of the barrel.
What you are now left with is the shell and a punger system. Detatch the orange pipe connected to the plunger tube, I did it by twisting it. The plunger tube should have a little nub that sticks out the end, this is important becuase we will be attaching our cpvc elbow here. (sorry for lack of pictures for this part)
Now you need to cut off all the orange pieces that are connected to the clear barrel, this will become your new rscb clip. This piece will have to be cut down to fit properly in the blaster.
The rest of it is pretty simple, connect all the parts like in the picture below. I connected the cpvc elbow to the pvc tee by nesting a cpvc pipe into some sch 40 pvc, my barrel is attached in the same manner.
*note out might want to cut a notch out of the end of the clear pipe that goes into the 45 degree elbow so darts will feed properly.
For the trigger system, I used a piece of wood, rubber bands, and the metal handle from a binder clip. Attach the metal clip to the end of you plunger rod anyway you want, I used duct tape but plan on epoxing it in place later.
To get everything to fit properly you are going to have to cut off parts of the shell. I cut off a little too much but most of your problem spots are going to be around where the pvc tee is.
For the barrel, I cut a about a foot long piece of 1/2 cpvc and nested it into sch 40 1/2 pvc like we did earlier in the plunger system. Going to have to take a 1/2 spade bit to your sch 40 pvc to get the cpvc to fit in properly.
Overall I am pretty impressive with this blaster, and how easy it was to accomplish. It gets ranges of over 115 feet flat, with all 14 shots the internal rscb clip holds. The only thing I would really do to this blaster is replace the pvc endcap with a ball valve, and revisit the trigger (which I plan on doing sooner or later). I payed a little over 25 bucks for all the parts to complete this blaster, and I am very happy with the end result. Also for those of you who would be interested in playing Nerf competitively in the spring, I am hoping I can finish the write up for all that sometime this week and get that posted (still working on figures for getting started). But like always if you have any questions or comments I would love to hear them!!!
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