Sunday, December 4, 2011


Hey guys, welcome to my blog!  Here I will be posting pictures and write ups of the projects that create in my free time.  These projects can range from anything to electronics, home made costumes, modified/homemade nerf guns, and anything else I decide to build.  Here are a few examples of whats to come....

  • Iron Man Arc Reactor
  • Sentry Gun - Final Project for Electronics Class
  • Halo Spartan Suit
  • Halo Needle Rifle (that shoots nerf darts)
  • Wind and Solar powered battery charger

These are just a few projects that I would like to try and finish in the next few months, and I will try to keep you guys updated as the projects go along.  The write up for the Sentry Gun should be up within the next week or so (depending on how busy I am with finals.als), and I also just purchased the card stock to begin working on my helmet for the Halo suit.

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